Bike Cave
We're here to help you bike.

Texas State's bicycle shop began in 2007. It was a collaboration between Auxiliary Services, the National Association of Environmental Professionals and the Environmental Service Committee. Students began creating a workspace to repair, safety check and recycle bicycles.
The Bike Cave originated in the Thornton House garage and basement. This location, plus storage at the University Print Shop, made up about 1000 square feet of space. This soon proved too small to meet the growing demand for repairs by students, faculty, and staff.
The Cave shut its doors at Thornton House garage in December 2008 to move to a new location in the Pecos building. This second location opened on February 9, 2009. The new space featured extra work stands, tools, easier access to parts, storage, and more space to grow. Increasing academic space requirements soon required the Bike Cave to move.
The newest location, in the Colorado building opened on February 1, 2010. The new location has 1200 square feet of work and storage space. The air compressor lets students air their tires at all 5 workstations. The outside air hose and repair station are available for after-hours availability.
In 2015, the Bike Cave began taking credit cards. This was a great way to increase merchandise and bicycle sales. The University Police donated old patrol bikes in 2016. This allowed the Cave to start a rental program with the Outdoor Center.
The Bike Cave looks forward to continuing the long history of serving the biking needs of campus.